Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Hey all!
The reason I've started this blog is exactly what my "about me" section says. Its going to be all about the adventures I get to take with my beloved Creator and all the amazing things I know he's going to do! And, of course, because I want to share them all with you! 
The support, partnership and prayers of my family and friends in my life are so important to me, and this way I can update you all from all over the world - wherever He takes me! :) 

So for the first amazing adventure (to be shared from this blog) is almost upon me. On September 28th, 2011 I will board a plane to fly to the tropical Big Island of Hawaii to train for 6 months with YWAM (Youth With A Mission)! I know hard done by... hawaii... :) haha 

I'm doing their Community Transformations DTS (Discipleship Training School). Its a six month school where we will be in Kona, HI for the first 3 months in classes, prayer times, local outreach and practical training. We will be diving deeper in the Word of God and into His heart to grow deeper in love and passion for Him. To know Him more! We will discover more of who He is and how He see us and His heart for us, the people around us and the nations of the world! Here's a section from the Community Transformations DTS website to give you guys more of an idea of the heart behind this school:

The 6 month Community Transformations DTS (Discipleship Training School) is designed to equip and unleash a generation upon the world who are fueled by radical prayer and deep love, willing to change the world and disciple nations! As a DTS community we come before the Lord daily to learn from him, apply the word of God radically to our lives, and take the message of Jesus to the streets. Outreach locations are chosen early on in the 3 month lecture phase, so you can begin to engage with the Lords heart for your outreach nation, then you travel to that location for three months. The goal of outreach is to live out an example of what the rest of your life will be, regardless of where the Lord takes you. The Community Transformations DTS is a place where you can begin to live a transformed life for His Glory.
As the Community Transformations family, we have a deep value for seeking to know Jesus and have the presence of God manifest in every part of our lives.  In abiding in the vine (John 15) and being with Jesus (Acts 4:13), we see ourselves transformed and partner with Jesus to see the nations transformed.  
We are all about being transformed to be like Jesus, to walk like Jesus walked, and even suffer with him for the sake his glory in all the earth. We want to know Jesus, look like him, and follow him into the rest of our lives.
By being a transformed community, loving God, and being loved by Him, we display the transformative power of the gospel to the world. As we walk like Jesus in the nations, bringing his love to every part of  society, to the rich and poor, to the lost and the broken, the simplicity of encountering God and his gospel transforms the world. All disciples have the power to change the world, bringing people to Jesus, and teaching them to do all that he commanded (Matt 28:18). It’s an invitation for the world to know God and be transformed as they follow him.  This is Revival - the turning of our hearts to God, with a desire to glorify him with all of our lives. 
The DTS is just the start - Community Transformations is also all about launching transformative families of disciples around the globe! 
Centered around the presence of God, these communities will seek to bring his Kingdom wherever they are, even in some of the hardest and darkest places on earth. It is our desire to raise up and launch many of these families in the next several years, and you can be a part! Students in the DTS are invited to live the radical life of Jesus, responding from His love with a desire to bring him the glory he deserves. Community Transformations is all about radical intimacy, radical community, radical generosity, radical obedience, and radical faith. Come join us with your gifts, passions, and abilities, living out intimacy with Jesus, unto fruitfulness in the nations. 
Amazing! Hence why my heart was stirred to come and be a part of this school and the communities they send off! Right now there are about 70 students and 20 staff involved in this school, and I can't wait to meet them all and be running after the Lord and His heart together! After 3 months in Kona, we will be sent off in teams to many locations around the world! In the first couple weeks we'll find out where our outreach phase locations are and be able to start preparing as a team to go and serve! I am so stoked about the outreach phase!! I've done shorter missions trips but this will be my first one of this length and I can't wait! Even with all the challenges that come out of outreach! It's going to be good! :)
Please pray for me while I'm gone!! And check back here for regular updates! I am raising support for a portion of my outreach phase. I've worked at home this past year and have saved up a bit of money (and had told the Lord over a year ago he could drain my bank account!) but I still am in need of financial support. I love being able to partner with people in this way! Its all because of your guys' support that I am able to do these things and bring the gospel to the people the Lord takes me too! If the Lord puts financial partnership on your heart you can donate online or contact me!
Phone:  604-724-4054 or 253-227-0054
Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm excited to share all the amazing things the Lord is going to do during my DTS with you!

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